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"A good attitude goes a long way"

A review of Asda Stores Ltd by Anonymous written on Friday 29th of December 2017


I sometimes shop in Asda, Oadby and have found the shop assistants usually very friendly, helpful and polite.

Unfortunately on a recent occasion, while using the self-service facility to scan my groceries I needed help to scan a item that wasn't registering. I caught the assistant's eye, who then came over and seemed pleasant enough. I told her the problem I was having, she then tried to scan the item and it would not,then she said words to the effect of "all you have to do is put the number in" (that long number underneath the barcode).I said to her, I didnt think I had to do that as there was a barcode, she didnt say anything to that. She then proceeded to put the number in and I said thank you,she then walked off. MORE THAN ANYTHING IT WAS THE ATTITUDE, NOT VERY GOOD, MADE ME FEEL LIKE NOT SHOPPING THERE AGAIN.

Then I got to thinking afterwards, is it my job to put the long number in below the barcode (that didnt even enter my head to do that), after all i'm a shopper.


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Asda Stores Ltd

Map showing Asda Stores Ltd on Leicester Road
