A review of The Seventh Day Adventist Church by Paolo written on Tuesday 11th of October 2016
Blessed and beloved in Christ,we know witchcraft is an awful sin against God(Deuteronomy 18,9-14). Consequently,those who practice occultism are not true disciples of the Lord JESUS. Unfortunately,it is a well known fact madame White(and her entourage) were deeply involved in it(her revelations and visions are the result of this activity).So,it is evident many peculiar teachings have nothing to do with the Gospel and with the true Kingdom of God(Romans chap.14). May the Grace of our Heavenly Father have a warm welcome within us,so that his Holy Spirit can protect us from deception,sin and hell(Luke 12,1-12),until the day-should the LORD tarry-we can enter the Rest(=sabbath) of Paradise with our soul\spirit(Hebrews chap.4,Luke 23,43). Shalom.
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Map showing The Seventh Day Adventist Church on London Road