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"Stepping back in time can be a good thing."

A review of White Lion by Chono Owen written on Tuesday 3rd of February 2015


Having been to the White lion many times i have to point out that no its not a modern all singing and dancing pub with endless choices of beers ,wines and different foods. Instead what you get is a small cosy one room pub that is the centre of a village community with great company in the form of friendly local people who always make you feel welcome, home cooking , lovely open fires, an atmosphere that dates back to before i was born and best of all there is no mobile signal. When you step inside the pub you get to enjoy the moment, you actually get to talk to people without the annoying bleeps of phones or people excusing themselves to answer a call or text. Most evenings there is something going off ,from quiz night on a friday to a steak night ,darts night, a dinner club night and even a knitting club night on a monday. Yes it is like stepping back in time, but is that really such a bad thing . In a line, "The white lion is an escape from modern fast living, its a place you can slow down and truly relax." .

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White Lion

Map showing White Lion on Main Street
