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"A disappointing meal"

A review of Las Iguanas by Sam written on Sunday 18th of March 2012


I went for a meal on Saturday to celebrate a birthday and was really looking forward to revisiting Las Iguanas. But I was disappointed. We waited for someone to take our drink order and waited for 1/2 hour and in the end had to stop a waitress. We decided to order the food as well. We were all surprised at the portions that we received. The rice was only a few spoonfuls and there was only sauce for the refried beans. In the past, the portions have been quite big and quite filling.

When we received the bill, there was an optional amount for service charge of £8.99 which I believe to be too much to pay for the service we recieved and was never on the bill before.We agreed not to pay this amount.

I don't think I will be going back to Las Iguanas. .

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Las Iguanas

Map showing Las Iguanas on Belvoir Street