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"Fantastic original comic book place for fans"

A review of Magic Labyrinth by J. A. Nonimuss written on Sunday 10th of July 2011


You could go online and order a comic book, you could go to any old generic bookstore and obtain a copy of a paperback of your favourite story arc or you could go into any formulaic forbidden planet shop but to get a real taste of what a real comic book shop is like this is the place. Owned and run by a comic book fan, Dave has not only read at least one issue of pretty much any comic title but is known on a first name basis by some of the big names in the industry (plus he's a real character!). The shop is covered in comic books and posters and upstairs is a great back issues section. I love the passion of small shops owned and set up by the people who work there and believe such shops should be supported. The Magic Labyrinth is one such store. May it go from strength to strength..

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Magic Labyrinth

Map showing Magic Labyrinth on Charles Street
