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Reviews of Sheetal

On this page you will find reviews of Sheetal. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


5 people have reviewed this business

  • Very bad customer service by Anonymous

    He spoke very rude and the customer service was very bad - I will not go there again.... More»

  • Very bad customer service by Anonymous

    He spoke very rude and the customer service was very bad - I will not go there again.... More»

  • Very very poor customer service by Anonymous

    The guy kept looking at me and put me under pressure while I was deciding which colour saree to pick... More»

  • Rude men! Bad customer service by H

    Went to try blouses on - the older man told me I could only try one on as they were the same size- s... More»

  • Very rude by Anonymous

    Today I went to the shop me and my daughter were looking at the sarees that were displayed we like a... More»

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