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Reviews of Hair @ 1RD

On this page you will find reviews of Hair @ 1RD. If you would like to add your own review, please do so using the Add a Review button.


8 people have reviewed this business

  • I'm missing you by Mark

    Can't wait to see you gain my friend all the love of a good friendship sent to u always ... More»

  • Brillant by Glenn Sutton

    Searched for ages to find a great hair dresser that I can trust.... Robin at 1RD is that man! I wil... More»

  • Best hairdresser I've ever had... by James Dean

    I've never been so keen to go back to the same hairdresser before. Amazing style advice and underst... More»

  • AMAZING! by Nikki

    If you are looking for a hairdressers in Leicester, you cannot go wrong with 'Hair @ 1RD'. Robin (th... More»

  • By far top in Leicester! by Styleguy

    This place is absolutely fantastic! Im prone to travel quite a deal and have always had my hair done... More»

  • Relaxed,professional and personal by Mandy D

    Robins Salon is a hidden gem! Tucked away on Rutland street, His Salon is Beutiful, Relaxed and i al... More»

  • Just what you want by Ffion Davies

    Robin's salon is the best I've ever been to. He is polite, very professional, efficient, a really ni... More»

  • What a wonderful hairdresser! by Ampy Kaur

    Robin Dignall is a breath of fresh air when it comes to hair dressers unpretentious,creative and hon... More»

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